Managing anxiety in children

Close to 60 people joined an online presentation featuring Dr. Sean Larsen who discussed a Practical Approach to Managing Anxiety in Children on March 10 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Director of Instruction Carol-Ann Leidloff was pleased with the turnout and said this online workshop was presented to help parents and educators with some essential tools to better understand anxiety in children, recognize when it is becoming problematic, help children build the capacity to overcome it, and create environments to foster better outcomes for those struggling. She noted Dr. Larsen has agreed to allow the recording of the session to be shared so that those who couldn’t attend can watch it at their leisure.

View recording of Thursday’s presentation here

View pdf of Dr. Larsen’s slides here

Drawing on literature on brain development, emotional regulation, psychology, and years of clinical experience Dr. Larsen wants to help others better understand children’s anxiety and how to support them in more meaningful ways.

Problematic anxiety in childhood is common and disrupts opportunities for healthy experiences. Anxiety can influence a child’s ability to achieve academically, make friends, or find reward in the activities they take part in.

He notes that about one in ten Canadians will access mental health support for mood and anxiety disorders in their lives and a far larger percentage could benefit from these supports and a better understanding of what anxiety is and how it impacts their lives.

Leidloff adds the district hopes to have Dr. Larsen return in the fall with presentations on how to help children sleep better, and on digital parenting.